Service & Repairs

Some of the services we offer:

  1. Backup Advice & Solutions
  2. Broadband Internet & Router Setup
  3. Data Recovery
  4. Data transfer
  5. Email Troubleshooting & Setup
  6. Hard Drive Upgrades
  7. Internet & Web Browser Repair
  8. Internet Browser Repair
  9. Laptop Battery Replacement
  10. Laptop Charging Problems
  11. Laptop Keyboard Repair
  12. Laptop Screen Replacement
  13. New PC Setup
  14. New laptop Setup
  15. Optimisations of slow computers
  16. PC & Laptop Upgrades & Advice
  17. Printer Installation / Troubleshooting
  18. Router Setup
  19. Slow Computer Clean-up
  20. Software Installation
  21. Virus & Malware Removal
  22. WiFi Issues
  23. Windows Reinstall / Refresh/upgrades